Range for Purchasing Info Record Number (INFNR)

INFNR_RANGE (Range for Purchasing Info Record Number (INFNR)) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. Key fields are marked in blue.

Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link INFNR_RANGE to other SAP tables.

INFNR_RANGE table fields

Field Data element Checktable Datatype Length Decimals
SIGN Selection operator SIGN (as per range table) SIGN_RANGE CHAR 1 0
I Inclusive of defined values/range
E Exclusive of defined values/range
OPTION Selection operator OPTION (as per range table) OPT_RANGE CHAR 2 0
EQ equal to (= Low)
NE not equal to (<> Low)
BT Between lower and upper value (Low <= x <= High)
NB Outside lower and upper value (x < Low und High < x )
CP Contains the pattern
NP Does not contain the pattern
LT Less than (< low)
LE Less than or equal to (<= low)
GT Greater than (> low)
GE Greater than or equal to (>= low)
INFNR_LOW Number of Purchasing Info Record INFNR CHAR 10 0
INFNR_HIGH Number of Purchasing Info Record INFNR CHAR 10 0