SAP Table OIB01

Definition of Conversion Groups

OIB01 (Definition of Conversion Groups) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. Key fields are marked in blue.

Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link OIB01 to other SAP tables.

OIB01 table fields

Field Data element Checktable Datatype Length Decimals
MANDT Client MANDT T000 CLNT 3 0
UMRSL Conversion Group (Oil, Natural Gas,..) OIB_UMRSL CHAR 4 0
PDTYP Oil product type OIB_PDTYP CHAR 1 0
1 Crude Oil (Before Processing)
2 Oil products (gasoline, diesel, etc.)
3 Chemicals
4 Lubes
5 Asphalt/Bitumen
6 Natural Gas (gaseous)
7 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
8 Liquid petroleum gas (LPG/NGL)
9 Condensate
A Water
B General Gases (Pure, Inert)
I Industrial Aromatic Hydrocarbons
R Raw materials
X User defined
Y User defined
Z User defined
BSTMP Oil/gas standard/base temperature OIB_BSTMP FLTP 16 16
BSTEH Oil/gas standard/base temperature unit OIB_BSTEH T006 UNIT 3 0
WQTYL Lower warning tolerance limit for manual entries (in %) OIB_WQTYL FLTP 16 16
WQTYH Upper warning tolerance limit for manual entries (in %) OIB_WQTYH FLTP 16 16
EQTYL Lower Tolerance Limit for Manual Quantity Entries (in %) OIB_EQTYL FLTP 16 16
EQTYH Upper Tolerance Limit for Manual Quantity Entries (in %) OIB_EQTYH FLTP 16 16
1 API Gravity, Liquids
2 Relative Density (relative to water at standard conditions)
3 Density (absolute)
4 Relative Density (relative to air at standard conditions)
VCFLN Volume correction factor OIB_VCFLN CHAR 1 0
1 First Volume Correction Factor (5 decimal places)
2 Second Volume Correction Factor (4 decimal places)
MCFI Meter correction factor indicator OIB_MCFI CHAR 1 0
X Yes
PDCL Oil/Gas product conversion class OIB_PDCL CHAR 2 0
01 SAP standard delivered conversion
02 SAP E&P specific formulas
03 Customer specific 01
04 Customer specific 02
HVTYP Heating value type OIB_HVTYP CHAR 2 0
01 Energy / Volume
02 Energy / Mass
03 Energy / Mol
BPRESH Natural Gas Base Pressure for Combustion (Heating Value) OIB_BPRESH FLTP 16 16
BPRESHEH Natural gas std/base press.: combustion (heat. value): unit OIB_BPRESHEH T006 UNIT 3 0
BSTMPH Natural Gas Base Temperature of Combustion (Heating Value) OIB_BSTMPH FLTP 16 16
BSTMPHEH Natural gas std/base temp.: combustion (heat. value): unit OIB_BSTMPHEH T006 UNIT 3 0
EXT_PROG_VERSION Supported version of external routines OIB_EXT_VERSION CHAR 1 0
NULL AGA and API 1980 - 2004
1 API 1250-04
BPRESV Oil/gas standard/base pressure:metering (volume, density) OIB_BPRESV FLTP 16 16
BPRESVEH Oil/gas standard/base pres.:metering (volume, density): unit OIB_BPRESVEH T006 UNIT 3 0
BTMPVP Oil/gas standard/base temperature (vapor pressure) OIB_BTMPVP FLTP 16 16
BTMPVPEH Oil/gas standard/base temperature unit (vapor pressure) OIB_BTMPVPEH T006 UNIT 3 0
CHGS Conversion handling for gases OIB_CHGS CHAR 1 0
NULL external routines are not called
1 call AGA routines, use gross method 1
2 call AGA routines, use gross method 2
3 call AGA routines, use detail method, using 21 comp. an.
4 use customer specific function
5 call AGA routines, use gross method 1 , no 2nd external call
6 call AGA routines, use gross method 2, no 2nd external call
7 call AGA routines, use detail method, no 2nd external call
8 use customer specific function, no 2nd external call
CHLQ Conversion handling for liquid products OIB_CHLQ CHAR 1 0
NULL call external routines
1 external routines are not called
EXTDNUNIT Unit for densities of petroleum products and natural gas OIB_DNEH T006 UNIT 3 0
EXTHVUNIT Heating value unit OIB_HVEH T006 UNIT 3 0
EXTIND External functions ind. (API c-codes, etc.) OIB_EXTIND CHAR 1 0
0 calculate LPG equilibrium vapor pressure
1 use input equilibrium vapor pressure for LPG calculation
VCFLN_LPG Volume correction factor LPG OIB_VCFLN_LPG CHAR 1 0
1 use combined temperature-pressure volume correction factor
2 use temperature correction factor only
3 use pressure correction factor only
BSDNEH Base density unit (at standard reference conditions) OIB_BSDNEH T006 UNIT 3 0
BSHVEH Base heating value unit (at standard reference conditions) OIB_BSHVEH T006 UNIT 3 0
TDTHV Test density/test heating value - parameter handling OIB_TDTHV CHAR 1 0
X Yes
BDBHV Base density / base heating value parameter handling OIB_BDBHV CHAR 1 0
X Yes
AROMATICS Industrial aromatic hydrocarbons: Type OIB_AROMATICS CHAR 2 0
1 Benzene
2 Toluene
3 m-Xylene and mixed Xylenes
4 Styrene
5 o-Xylene
6 p-Xylene
7 Cyclohexane
8 Ethylbenzene
9 Cumene
10 300-350�F/148.9-176.7�C aromatic hc
11 350-400�F/176.7-204.4�C aromatic hc
BHVCLS Heating value class (calorific value class) OIB_HVCLS CHAR 2 0
SD ( superior / dry ), equiv.: ( gross,upper,total / dry )
SW ( superior / wet ), equiv.: ( gross,upper,total / saturated)
ID ( inferior / dry ), equiv.: ( net,lower / dry)
IW ( inferior / wet ), equiv.: ( net,lower / saturated)
IDGAS Indicator for SAP natural gas routine (ideal/real gas) OIB_IDGAS CHAR 1 0
NULL Use ideal gas routine
1 Use real gas routine
RFC_RELEASE Release indicator for external (RFC) calls to QCI OIB_RELEASE CHAR 1 0
X Yes

OIB01 foreign key relationships

Table Field Foreign key table Foreign key field Check table Check field
OIB01 BPRESHEH SYST MANDT T006 Units of Measurement MANDT
OIB01 BPRESHEH OIB01 BPRESHEH T006 Units of Measurement MSEHI
OIB01 BPRESVEH SYST MANDT T006 Units of Measurement MANDT
OIB01 BPRESVEH OIB01 BPRESVEH T006 Units of Measurement MSEHI
OIB01 BSDNEH OIB01 BSDNEH T006 Units of Measurement MSEHI
OIB01 BSDNEH SYST MANDT T006 Units of Measurement MANDT
OIB01 BSHVEH SYST MANDT T006 Units of Measurement MANDT
OIB01 BSHVEH OIB01 BSHVEH T006 Units of Measurement MSEHI
OIB01 BSTEH SYST MANDT T006 Units of Measurement MANDT
OIB01 BSTEH OIB01 BSTEH T006 Units of Measurement MSEHI
OIB01 BSTMPHEH SYST MANDT T006 Units of Measurement MANDT
OIB01 BSTMPHEH OIB01 BSTMPHEH T006 Units of Measurement MSEHI
OIB01 BTMPVPEH SYST MANDT T006 Units of Measurement MANDT
OIB01 BTMPVPEH OIB01 BTMPVPEH T006 Units of Measurement MSEHI
OIB01 EXTDNUNIT SYST MANDT T006 Units of Measurement MANDT
OIB01 EXTHVUNIT SYST MANDT T006 Units of Measurement MANDT