SAP Table TZB09

Posting control table

TZB09 (Posting control table) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. Key fields are marked in blue.

Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link TZB09 to other SAP tables.

TZB09 table fields

Field Data element Checktable Datatype Length Decimals
RANTYP Contract Type RANTYP CHAR 1 0
1 Loans
2 Securities
3 Lease-Out - Real Estate
4 Foreign Exchange
5 Money Market
6 Derivatives
7 Open Item Transactions
8 Administration Contract - Real Estate
9 General Contract - Real Estate
A Internal use only
Y Reserved for Customer Enhancements
Z Reserved for Customer Enhancements
V Contract Management - Consumer Products
X External Accounts
E Exposure Position
SBUST Posting control key VVSBUST NUMC 2 0