Configuration: Data collection for performance monitoring

TCOLL (Configuration: Data collection for performance monitoring) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. Key fields are marked in blue.

Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link TCOLL to other SAP tables.

TCOLL table fields

Field Data element Checktable Datatype Length Decimals
RNAME Report started by the collector COLL_RNAME CHAR 40 0
RSRFCDLT Reorg of RFC statistics
RSORA811 Deletes old BrBackups/BrArchive logs from SDBAH and SDBAD
RSHOSTPH Collects data for history of operating system parameter
RSSTATPH Collects data for history of SAP system parmeter
RSSTAT60 Reorg. of perf. DB/Generates statistics for whole system
RSSTAT61 Reorganization of MONI, OSMON, and SAPWLSERV
RSSTAT62 Delete Illegal Records from MONI
RSHOSTDB Collects local OS monitor data into perf. database
RSHOSTDC Collects OS monitor data of the dedicated database server
RSTUNE80 Collects local buffer information into perf. database
RSORASNP Reorg. for STAT$ tables
RSDBPREV Collects data for history previous days
RSDBTANA Analysis size of tables, indexes
RSSTAT98 Server list update
RSSTAT90 Saves the table call statistic in the perf. database
RSAMON40 Saves a snapshot of Transaction STO7 in the database
RSCUECRM Starts Report CRMCUE_BUPA (Data from CRM Business Partner)
RSORAVSH Collecting historical information of V$SYSTEM_EVENT (ORACLE)
RSDB_WDB Weekly Planned Job for DB Collectors
RSDB_TDB Analysis of Database into Performance Database
RSDB_HRLY DB-Related Jobs with One Hour Period
RSDB_DAILY DB-Related Jobs with One Day Period
RSDB_PAR Collects data for history of database profile parameters
RSRFCDMN Read RFC Statistics and Store in DB
RSXRPM xRPM-Specific Collector
RSICFDMN Report for Internet Communication Framework (ICF)
RSICFJOB Schedule background job for execution of RSICFDMN in 30 mins
RSORASSC Collect Daily and Hourly History for RSORASSM
RSICFDLT Delete and Deactivate ICF Analysis Tools
RSORAHCL History Collector for Oracle Database Monitors
RSSDBDLY Daily Collector for SAP DB/MaxDB/liveCache: Performance Data
RSORACOL Hourly Collector of Oracle Dictionary Information for DB02
SWNCCOLL Workload Collector (ST03, Statistics Records)
SWNCREORG Reorganization of Workload Collector Data (ST03)
SWNCTOTAL Workload TOTAL Collector (ST03, Summary of All Servers)
SWLDELROL Remove Roles
RSLDQREORG Reorganization of Local Data Queue
RSN3CRAWLR Crawler for DSR Components Over Web Service Connections
RSBGRFCCLR Reorganization of BGRFC Status Tables
/SDF/RSORA Collecting historical information of V$SYSTEM_EVENT (ORACLE)
RENUM How often should the report be called REPEAT_NUM NUMC 1 0
SYTYP System type SYSTYPE CHAR 1 0
S Report Runs Once in an SAP System
A Report Runs on Each Application Server
H Report Runs Once per Host
% Specify one server explicitly
ALTSY Alternative system for collector report ALTSY CHAR 32 0
DAYOW Day (for Collector) DAYOFWEEK CHAR 7 0
TIMOD Time in Hours (for Collector) TIMEOFDAY CHAR 24 0